
Epson L200

What if the price of a liter of petrol, you can get a full tank? Tempting is not it? That is made possible by Epson L200. The product is claimed as the first printer to use a drip system manufacturer. This means that, since the beginning of this printer is designed to be refilled ink.
With refill system, you can be more economical funds for the purchase of ink. A bottle of original ink usually only has a capacity of 7-15 ml. However, bottles of ink Epson L200 has a capacity of 70 ml. In fact, the price per bottle is no different, even cheaper. Meaning, you can print 5-10 more times with the same funds.
Imagine how much money you can save.
Not just saving funds, the infusion system manufacturer means you will get the best quality because it uses the original ink. One thing that is most important, your printer warranty does not burn! We tested the L200, the type of multifunction printers, but there is also the type of single function named L100.
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